Thursday, March 5, 2020

7 Reasons to Order Takeout Instead of Cooking Tonight

7 Reasons to Order Takeout Instead of Cooking Tonight 1. Enjoy the comfort of your home The absolute worst thing is coming home to my very happy puppy and then having to leave him again. Sometimes its errands, sometimes its dinner with friends, sometimes its back to work. I know he hates it when I only come home for his pee breaks. When its nighttime, I just want to hang out with him. Running to get takeout down the street doesnt even make me feel guilty. And I get to come back and eat it on the couch with my absolute best friend while I watch my favorite nightly shows. Its quick, easy, and worth it. 2. Opportunity cost Do you have things left on your to-do list? Are you in the middle of laundry and cleaning, and reorganizing? Grabbing takeout or having food delivered is a lot faster than having to come up with something to cook. The 45 minutes youll spend preparing and cooking a meal for one is  nothing  compared to the 10 minutes itll take to grab some takeout. Think about what youre giving up in order to cook some food. Think about all the time you could have to yourself to get the things done that you  need to. Yeah, go get some takeout. 3. Easy cleanup Just throw it out! Its way easier to clean up after a takeout run than all those pots and pans youll be stuck scrubbing if you decided to cook tonight. Styrofoam and plastic utensils: easy peasy cleanup, my friend. 4. Multiple dinners I am rarely able to finish an entire entree from a restaurant. And if youre concerned about calorie counting and watching your weight, you should know that a typical American portion is way out of whack with what you  should  be eating. If you get takeout tonight, chances are you can package it up for lunch or dinner tomorrow. Look at that. Two birds. One stone. 5. Itll taste like heaven Most of the time, when I cook, it never comes out tasting like I want it to taste. But when I go get my favorite takeout, I can count on it being just as delicious as the time before. I never have to add extra seasoning and its always grilled to perfection. Getting takeout is worth it to just not have to worry about the final product after 45 minutes of hoping it tastes okay. And then when youre finally done cooking (after 45 minutes) and it  doesnt  taste good, thats when it stinks that you didnt just go get takeout in the first place. Save yourself now. 6. Convenience, convenience, convenience Call it in on your way out the door from work. Pick it up before you get home or have it delivered. Walk in the door with delicious smelling food already ready to be consumed. Its the equivalent of marrying someone who strongly believes dinner should be on the table already when you come in every day. 7. Youll be glad you did it When youre kicked back and relaxing on your couch with some of your favorite takeout, youll be glad you took my advice. Youll be comfortable in your own home, with the food from the take out gods in front of you. What more could you ask for?

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